How to join Internet Culturale
All Italian public and private libraries and institutions holding digital resources and applying international digitisation standards – above all the data model and the XML syntax of the MAG schema – can join the Internet Culturale portal.
Institutions joining Internet Culturale take part in the enrichment of the Italian Digital Library together with all other libraries/institutions. The homepage provides a wide space to partner institutions and their collections. Finally , the joining institutions ensure their own visibility on CulturaItalia, with which Internet Culturale is integrated.
Institutions joining Internet Culturale take part in the enrichment of the Italian Digital Library together with all other libraries/institutions. The homepage provides a wide space to partner institutions and their collections. Finally , the joining institutions ensure their own visibility on CulturaItalia, with which Internet Culturale is integrated.
Registration modalities for content suppliers
Libraries/institutions can join with various types of materials: catalogue databases, digital databases, digital collections, 3D, mini-websites, virtual exhibitions, videos, virtual itineraries, multimedia works, etc.
Mini-websites, virtual exhibitions, videos, 3D, etc., can be acquired on the portalCMS or linked from the institution’s website as well.
- For those not owning a repository
- ICCU makes available a free digital display case service. Institutions can ask to entrust the web version of their collections to the MagTeca, which ensures their preservation over time and access to their data via Internet Culturale;
- Model for entrusting digital contents to the ICCU MagTeca (in Italian)
- Waiver for entrusting digital contents to the ICCU Mag Teca (in Italian)
- ICCU makes available a free digital display case service. Institutions can ask to entrust the web version of their collections to the MagTeca, which ensures their preservation over time and access to their data via Internet Culturale;
- For those owning a repository and an OAI-PMH protocol
- Through harvesting, metadata are located and indexed by the portal’s services, and the user viewing an object calls up the images displayed in the digital display case. This is made possible by the delivery processes applying an OAI-PMH protocol, laid between the portal and the partner digital display case;
- For those who want to realize their own repository and manage their own data
- Institutions can also request the Mag Teca software, ensuring the autonomous carrying out of functions, hardware adaptationand digital display case management.
The overall costs of the library joining the network depend on the modalities adopted.