International standards and guidelines
Among the institutional tasks of the ICCU there is the translation and dissemination of international standards, guidelines and cataloguing rules to Italian libraries.
- IFLA Library Reference Model : Un modello concettuale per le informazioni bibliografiche. Italian translation online (November 2020)
- Resource Description & Access (RDA). Version April 2014. Italian version by the Technical Working Group for the Italian translation of the RDA standard (Gruppo di lavoro tecnico per la traduzione dello standard RDA). Roma, ICCU 2015. Published in RDAToolkit (8 March 2016)
The translation is fully accessible by subscribing to - Resource Description & Access (RDA). Version April 2014. Italian version by the Technical Working Group for the Italian translation of the RDA standard (Gruppo di lavoro tecnico per la traduzione dello standard RDA) (November 2015)
- ISBD : International Standard Bibliographic Description. Consolidated edition. Italian version (November 2012)
- Functional Requirements and Numbering of Authority Records. A conceptual model
Italian online edition (September 2010)
For further information: Lucia Negrini