Online Services
The ICCU, respecting the autonomy of libraries, cordinates, promotes and manages the SBN network, the ILL SBN service, the Manus, Edit16 and Anagrafe delle Biblioteche Italiane censuses. It develops standards and guidelines for cataloging and digitization.
The ICCU promotes and coordinates national census of manuscripts (Manus), of Italian editions of the sixteenth century (Edit16), of libraries present in Italy (Anagrafe delle Biblioteche Italiane). It coordinates and paricipates in national and international projects. It takes care of the training activity in the various areas of competence.
SBN is the network of Italian libraries promoted by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, with the cooperation of regional administrations and universities. The OPAC SBN is the collective catalogue of the libraries participating in the National Library Service aimed at providing services to users.
ILL SBN (Inter Library Loan SBN) is a national interlibrary loan and document delivery service that can be accessed free of change on the Internet and aimed at librarians and end users for whom the goal is to improve services.
Catalogs and digital collections from Italian libraries
The ICCU elaborates and disseminates: cataloginh rules, descriptive standards, semantic cataloging and metadata. It translates and disseminates international standards and draws up rules and guidelines for all types of materials. It is in charge of creating and maintaining the Authority file.
The ICCU publishes and takes care of the sale and disseminations of various publications including Catalog Manuals, DigItalia. Digital magazine in Cultural Heritage and the ICCU Newsletter.
2018 - Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico delle Biblioteche Italiane e per le Informazioni Bibliografiche