Interoperability with other services ISO ILL
The current goal of the ILL SBN service is to build a bridge to help libraries using different applications communicate with one another, so that each library can continue to use its own procedure while being able, thanks to ILL SBN, to manage interlibrary loan and document delivery requests from libraries using different softwares and protocols.
Indeed, the ILL SBN server is able to send, receive and manage interlibrary loan and document delivery requests through ISO ILL services based on a tcp/ip protocol via the gateway http-tcp/ip, created as part of the ILL SBN system evolution project.
As part of the same project, OPAC SBN was enriched with a function that manages interlibrary loan towards ILL SBN external systems and makes it possible to activate requests for documents localized within catalogues that can be queried via the Z39.50 protocol.
The dialogue through the gateway is currently active with the Aleph 500 libraries which it was experimented with. The University of Udine – representing the Italian Association of Library Users Ex libris ITALE – and the University of Florence participated in the study and analysis of ISO ILL standards and their application.
ICCU has signed a protocol of intent with Italian Ex Libris Product Users Group ITALE to work towards cooperation in ILL services. In 2019 the protocol was renewed with a formal act.
Several technical and operational prerequisites are needed for ILL SBN to become a bridge among libraries participating in different systems.
What follows is of particular importance:
- the sharing of possible dialogue modalities among all applications interested in interoperability with the ILL server, so as to avoid misalignments and communication problems (see: ILL SBN technical specifications)
- the identification and sharing of certain shared elements (e.g. identification code for partner libraries) among all applications interested in cooperating, along with the adoption of certain behaviour codes (e.g. types of services offered, response times, service provision modalities) able to ensure efficient services (see: Working group for the cooperation between ILL SBN and other applications)
For more information: Egidio Incelli