Training activities
The Institute implements studies and training activities in the sectors which it is institutionally in charge of, such as catalographic rules, international standards and technological innovation in the library sector.
It promotes and carries out professional training and upgrade courses on:
- Traditional cataloguing, with particular reference to the rules and standards that the Institute drafts as part of its institutional charges
- SBN Catalographic rules Automated SBN procedures
- Characteristics and functions of the ILL-SBN service
- Guidelines on metadata digitisation and standards (MAG)
- Scientific and research activities carried out by the Institute
- Standards and instruments within the framework of European projects
The training courses are staged upon request from libraries, institutions and other bodies and are shaped so as to meet the training needs of the participants. Requests are to be addressed to the ICCU Director and must give account of the course topic and level, as well as the number of expected participants.
Training activities can take place both on the premises of the institution making the request or on ICCU premises, which include two lecture halls equipped with IT and multimedia tools.
The Institute is staffed by experienced docents: ICCU or external librarians working in national libraries, university professors and accredited experts.
Furthermore, internships and educational visits available both to undergraduate and graduate students in the fields for which the Institute is responsible are also provided. Applications are to be addressed to the Director of ICCU and are evaluated and accepted on the basis of the educational requests and the availability of the ICCU staff.
The Institute also promotes and organizes information events such as conventions, seminars and study days focusing on professional development and on the dissemination of the Institute research activities.