Working group for the development of the ILL SBN interlibrary loan and document delivery system

In May 2009 ICCU established  the Working Group for the development of the ILL SBN interlibrary loan and document delivery system with  the following purposes:
  • promoting the standard ISO ILL dialogue with other interlibrary loan and document delivery systems in Italy and abroad;
  • exploring technical and innovative aspects related to interlibrary loan and document delivery services;
  • tackling  legal (local, national, and international agreements) and administrative (homogeneous service description, simplification of payment and shipment modalities, harmonization of tariffs and payments, indicators for service evaluation) issues needed for an efficient national service and that so far have only been tackled independently and in a piecemeal fashion within  the various institutional levels (state, universities, local authorities).
The Group comprises the ICCU staff and representatives from universities, local bodies and the central administration.
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