Culture Chatbot


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Culture Chatbot is a European project started on September 2018 and it will end in February 2020.

The project is co-funded under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) program of the European Commission. Among its partners, in addition to ICCU, there are the Jewish Historical Museum in Amsterdam the Museum of History of Polish Jews (POLIN) and Pangeanic.
Culture Chatbot aims to develop a colloquial, multilingual user interface based on artificial intelligence (Chatbot), addressed to the Europeana content providers and other institutions of the cultural heritage in order to improve user research: this software is conceived to answer the visitor’s requests as a human would.

CulturaItalia the national aggregator of digital cultural content, is involved in the project and will host in its homepage a beta version of the software that will guide users in their researches.

More information are available here.