Working group for the cataloguing of photographic documents

The interest in the cataloguing and management of graphic material, particularly photographs, encouraged intersectoral discussions among photographers, archival experts, librarians and art historians; this debate continued at international level and led to interesting ideas about structures and models.

Photographs are a form of art shared among various subjectsin charge of the preservation and diffusion of such heritage: libraries, museumsand archives. Although these institutions represent different and traditionally autonomous contexts, they share the same function: providing cultural contents and services.
With regards to photographic material, the Institute has launched working groups involving SBN libraries and other institutions, in order to analyze applied standards and define rules for libraries.
During the years 1998-99, in collaboration with ICCD, the National Institute for Graphic Arts and the Central State Archive, a minimum set of shared and mapped data in the UNIMARC exchange format was defined, within the elaboration activities of the Scheda F (Strutturazione dei dati delle schede di catalogo. Beni artistici e storici. Scheda F. ICCD 1999).
In 1999, the Working Group on the cataloguing of photographic materials in SBN drafted a document Cataloguing and management of photographic material in SBN: observations and proposals, which aimed to identify the interventions needed for the evolution of the new SBN index concerning graphical and photographic material.
As of 2004, thanks to the evolution of the SBN Index and the launch of the new SBN MARC protocol, it is possible to catalogue in the Index various types of materials, such as graphic art and photographic materials  with greater precision.
As regards catalographic standards, the new ISBD Consolidated Edition integrates  into a single text each specific ISBD and provides descriptive indications for all types of material. The new REICAT code was also devised  for the uniform treatment of every type  of publications to be catalogued in a union catalogue that can address user needs in a broad-based and integrated way.

To this end, the Institute has established working groups for the cataloguing of every type of material in order to define guidelines that will be included in SBN integrated rules.