Working group for the cataloguing of the Ancient Book

The Working Group, established by ICCU in April 2012, aims to revise the SBN Guide-Ancient Book, with reference to the national standard (REICAT), the international standard (ISBD consolidated edition) and the new SBN MARC protocol.

The need for a revision of the previous edition of the Guide to cataloguing in SBN. Ancient books (1995) is due mostly to the changes occurred in catalographic practice and theory in the recent years, at international level with the development of new standards, at national level with the publication of the new REICAT cataloguing standard, and at SBN level with the introduction of new functionalities concerning the management of authority elements and new relationship typologies (e.g. title-place, printer -devices, etc.).
Keeping in mind the various problems arisen from the treatment of the Ancient Book, the Group aims to tackle the great amount of relevant cases in an attempt of defining shared standards and ways of acting regarded as unaivodable in a joint catalogue.
For more information: Elena Ravelli